Art Vérité

Art is life. Everything we do is by informed decisions to bring you insights that matter.

We hope that our artist features, studio visits, essays, editorials and special articles bring useful information and reflection.

Michelle May Michelle May

Technology is Rapidly Impacting the Our World —for Artists and Viewers

Technology has brought about a profound transformation in the realm of art, reshaping both the process of creation for artists and the experience of consumption for viewers. We no longer view most art in person, but on our devices. With the advent of digital tools and platforms, artists now have a vast array of resources at their disposal, enabling them to experiment, collaborate, and distribute work with unprecedented ease—One reason we founded Juniper Rag.

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Michelle May Michelle May

Let’s Talk About the Future of Art, Meet Colleen Hoffenbacker

“I seek to spark an innate sense of curiosity and possibility. By harmonizing emerging digital capabilities with timeless values underpinning humanity’s appreciation of nature, I want my artwork to compassionately further dialogue on our shared ecological future – one where human creativity might thrive in unison with technology and our planet. Though anchored in tradition, I fuse the old and new, the natural and digital, in hopes of revealing our world anew.” —Colleen Hoffenbacker

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