List People Rule
We are feeling pretty excited right now, because of you.
Thank you for coming here.
A few weeks ago, we were interviewed by Tim Doyle of Worcester Business Journal, which is a pretty high honor. When we decided to take on the venture of magazine publishing and promotion of artists, we had no idea so many wonderful things would follow. In retrospect, Payal and I knew that launching Juniper Rag was solid and we knew that we could accomplish a lot together. Juniper Rag is a passion project that we developed for our marketing company, Atelier ID Global. We knew the concept was timely and that our marketing ideas could help artists and connect them with new audiences… and we knew how much artists and small creative businesses need to be seen. As evangelists for others and with a special spot for local creative talent, from the ashes of a global pandemic, Juniper Rag has grown beyond our wildest dreams.
Scaling so rapidly, we are in need of layout designers to join our team. Rising parallel to Juniper Rag is our marketing business, Atelier ID Global, seeing huge growth with new tech clients in New York/Sweden, San Francisco and India. Reflecting on the past year, as I spoke to Tim at a cozy table at NU Kitchen on Chandler Street, I was overcome with pride at how much we accomplished since the inception of the magazine. Are you a list person? That is what Tim does. He organizes data. We love list people, cow spot counters and organizational technology. Read more about Tim, he’s a pretty rad guy.
Nu Kitchen, Worcester
Let’s go back a bit. Our marketing company had slowed down just prior to the pandemic. I was offered a full time gig with benefits and we decided to maintain our client list and ride the steady wave we had built, occasionally taking on new projects. Then, Payal got some serious news and her health became a priority. Through a year of chemo treatments, Payal never quit and worked on all of our projects while balancing her health and her time with family. It was a scary time for us because we just wanted her to get well and our investments into building the business came to a screeching halt. That was ok.
When she got the news that the cancer was finally in remission, she did not skip a beat. We gathered ourselves and began brainstorming. We were great at marketing other people and their businesses but it felt unnatural to push our own brand. What was needed was a plan to do it on our own terms and in our own way. We decided to be unconventional. By doing what we do best, elevating others, we hope that the overall affect shines a light on our company and who we are as people. Both of us are inspired by creative energy around us. We collaborate often and we devise master strategies to make things happen. Sometimes it almost seems impossible, but we seem to always pull it off, driven by the fuel of every single creative in our orbit.
Juniper Rag and Atelier have grown. I have to believe it is our collaborative approach and reciprocation that keep giving these gifts. We are so committed to doing everything we can to share creative talent with the world. Talking to Tim and hearing his perspectives really validated our grandiose ideas. We really believe that if you can dream it, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. We are very grateful to Tim because hearing from those who have experienced an opening, read the magazine or enter into the community we are building is the best reassurance we can hope for.
Tim Doyle is thorough. He is a list guy, organized and diligent. He requested a list of accomplishments in timeline form for his article. We did not include endless interviews, art openings we attended, and many other things, because the list would have been extensive. Here are the majors.
Thank you,
Tim Doyle, Worcester Business Journal
We look forward to your story.
Thank you for helping us see ours.
Michelle & Payal