A collaboration with Worcester Center for Crafts
ARTISTS ON FIRE is an exhibition curated by Juniper Rag at the Krikorian Gallery at Worcester Center for Crafts that takes place annually, with an opening reception on Hot Night in the City, which is their hottest night of the year! This event brings in thousands of people every year with an outdoor art festival for vendors. Open studios, food trucks, wine trucks, local breweries, live music inside and outside and cash bars. Discover all of the amazing facilities at the Craft Center that is the most historical craft teaching facility in America.
Worcester Center for Crafts, 25 Sagamore Road, Worcester
Show runs July 21- August 19, 2023—-SHOW EXTENDED from the 12th
Thursday, Aug 17, closing party—artists in attendance may take their art at the end, 8 pm.
Pick up at Worcester Center for Crafts
25 Sagamore Road, Worcester
on Aug 21 or 22nd.
10 am - 5 pm.

Abu Mwenye @artbyabu.m
Anne Beinecke @anne_beinecke
Amber Rose Tortorelli @toiletfireart
Ann-Marie Gillett @ambogillett
Audrey Diallo @dialloaudrey
Bridie Wolejko @artist.bee.dubs
Brenda Cirioni @brendacirioniart
Casey Hickey @hickeyartist
Chelsea Bradway @official.all.things.sparkly
Charles Suggs @sggschw
Christopher Wright @slothpoop
Clare Asch @aschclare
Crystal Blanchflower @poisonapplearts
DaNice D Marshall @danice_d_marshall
Dana Nacer @dananacer.art
Denyse Murphy
Edward Lilley
Hollis Machala @machalarts
Isaiah Rivera @8b1isr
Jamaal Eversley @sirjayevs
James C Varnum @jamescvarnum
Jackie Liu @jackieliuart
Jennifer Jackowitz @sui_jenneris
Joshua Croke @mxthingsup
Joshua Swalec @ferromorphicsblacksmithing
Katherine Miller @kdowneymiller
Kaitlyn Malinowski @kamlnski
Karen Reid @karenreid4012
Karen Nunley @kmcnun
Linda Packard
Lydia Kinney @l.m.kinney
Mark Mulholland
Mary Peng @l.h.mary
Melissa Parent @mparent_art
Nick Mozak designerguy7.com
Patti Kelly @pbernhard7306
Parker Milgram @parkermilgram
Piya Samant @art.by.piyali
Rebecca McGee Tuck @rebeccabombshellart
Robert Loebell @robertloebell
Rosemary Mamakos @rosem_creations
Scott Boilard @scottboilard
Shannon McGuire @smrdesigncompany
Simone Scholes @simonescholesart
Tim Gannon @timgannonart