NEW ART CENTER GALA | Paradiso Social Club
Imagine a swanky social club with Miami vibes, hot Cuban music and magic in the air in lush outdoor surroundings. Artists were asked to consider submitting work for Paradiso Social Club, a spring gala for New Art Center to enable Cultural Access Programs.
The gala is one of the hottest philanthropic events of the year in the greater Newton area. Designed to break the barriers of a traditional gala, the evening features live entertainment, DJ and dancing, open bar, delicious food stations and exclusive access to emerging and established artists. Guests have the opportunity to bid on art in a variety of ways including a live and silent auction onsite and a silent online auction.
The New Art Center raised more than $80,000 for the Cultural Access Project!
Our involvement was so impactful and we are so grateful to all participating artists. Not only did they sell more than 40 pieces of artwork through our auctions, and we also connected them with our friends, at Hotel L’Esplanade in St. Martin in the French West Indies, who are a Forbes rated #1 boutique hotel on the island. L’Esplanade donated a 4-night stay at their luxury resort for our Fund-A-Need paddle raise!

Images above via Jasmine Jorges
The New Art Center invited us to collaborate exclusively at this important annual event. Thank you to everyone that submitted.
Amanda Chung
Amalia Tagaris @amaliatagarisart
Andrew Fish @andrew_fish_studio
Ann-Marie Gillett @ambogillett
Annie Newman @annie_newman_art
Benjamin Provo @benjaminjacobprovo
Cindy Sachs
DaNice D Marshall @Danice_d_marshall
Destiny Palmer @dspalmer
Elizabeth Cohen @elizabethcohenpottery
Fernando Fula @justcreateok
Fouad Tomb
Howard Fineman @howard_fineman
James C. Varnum @jamescvarnum
Jamaal Eversley @sirjayevs
Jen DeKlaver @jendeklaver
Julia C R Gray @artistjcrgray
John Rufo @johnmrufo
John Pagano @pagano4063
Kate Morgan @katemorganarts
Kaitlyn Malinowski @kamlnski
Katherine Downey Miller @kdowneymiller
Kerry Zwierzko @thecommoncollectiveboston
Lara Alcantara-Lansberg @laraalcantara
Marinés Adrianza @marinesadrianza
Matt Day @mattpday
Michelle May @michellelmayartist
Ola Aksan @ola_aksan
Patti Kelly @pbernhard7306
Patricia Busso @patriciaybusso
Payal Thiffault @payalthiffault
Piya Samant @art.by.piyali
Poppy Charnalia @poppycharnalia
Robin Reynolds @robinreynolds7259
Rosemary Mamakos @rosem_creations
Selma Alden
Simone Scholes @simonescholesart
Stephanie Todhunter @stephanietodhunterart
Tara Sellios @tarasellios
Travis Duda @hunchbacktravis
Youveline Joseph @youvelinescreations

a glamorous evening to celebrate community-building through art
at the New Art Center
was held
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
7:00 – 11:00 PM
A Tented Affair at a Private Home
in West Newton, Massachusetts

New Art believes that Art Creates Community and is committed to making that a reality. This year’s Gala is raising funds to expand New Art’s Cultural Access program which makes art accessible to everyone in our community regardless of income level.
Detail from Flame 2 by Katherine Downey Miller
New Art offers opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and resources the chance to make, view, exhibit and talk about art. As a community art education space we are an integral resource in Newton and far beyond; uniting people to creatively solve problems, learn, grow and build strong and resilient communities. In these complex, uncertain and divisive times, art and community are more important than ever – providing vehicles to help us make sense and navigate a new world.
We believe in the mission of the New Art Center and they align with ours at Juniper Rag. We are proud to collaborate with them and create relationships between our artists and the organization.