Krikorian Gallery at WCC, Worcester, MA, USA
Tuesday to Saturday 10 am – 5 pm
on view until August 10
Krikorian Gallery at WCC, Worcester, MA,USA
The Worcester Center for Crafts (WCC) is the oldest non-profit,
professional educational craft center in the US, founded in 1856, forging a successful alliance with Worcester State University in 2009.
“Planning and coordinating this large-scale exhibition has been very meaningful for us in this third annual collaborative effort of Juniper Rag —and as artists and curators. To collaborate with and present the work of 50 talented American artists, many who are award-winning and nationally respected and who have be significant to the artistic landscape of central Massachusetts and Juniper Rag is an absolute honor. In collaboration with Worcester Center for Crafts, this exhibition planned with Candace Casey and Elaine McKenna-Yeaw, we are able to challenge our curatorial efforts, establishing and strengthening our community while elevating and honoring the vibrant tapestry of visual contemporary artists in Massachusetts and as far away as San Diego and Colorado. This vibrant and extensive exhibition with over 260 works from 50 artists is our biggest to date and we are very proud to present this work to thousands of viewers who came through the doors at the opening and during the month of viewing at beautiful The Krikorian Gallery.” — Michelle May, Juniper Rag

“The Smalls Show”
— ART is under 24 x 24 inches and under $500 —
Artists on Fire is an annual exhibition curated by Juniper Rag at the Krikorian Gallery at Worcester Center for Crafts, with an opening reception on Hot Night in the City, their hottest night of the year attracting college-aged people, families and festival lovers from all over New England.
Keri Anderson @kerianderson68
Clare Asch @@aschclare
Regina Berkeley @reginaberkeley
Scott Boilard @scottboilard
Leslie Breault
Matthew Burgos @inkblotsandsnapshots
Jennifer Carey @jennifercareyartworks
Brenda Cirioni @brendacirioniart (3rd Place WINNER)
Trish Dehls
Ella Delyanis @elladelyanis
Monica DeSalvo @monica.desalvo65
Audrey Diallo @dialloaudrey
Jamaal Eversley @sirjayevs
J. Christian Farren
Keri Fletcher @keritakespix
Tim Gannon @timgannonart
Ann-Marie Gillett @ambogillett
Julia C R Gray @artistjcrgray
Don Hartmann @don_hartmann_artist
Dana Haigh @danahaighart
Casey Hickey @hickeyartist
Howard Johnson @8thring
Patti Kelly @pbernhard7306
Lydia Kinney @l.m.kinney
Denise Lafer @_dlaferart_
Kara LaFrance @karalafrance
Xiang Li @xiangliart
Lindsey MacLean
Rosemary Mamakos @rosem_creations
Michelle May @michellelmayartist
Shannon McGuire @smrdesigncompany
Nina Medard
Donna-Marie Mironchuk
Kathy Murray @kathy_paints
Abu Mwenye @artbyabu.m
Karole Nicholson @karolenicholsonart
Karen Nunley @kmcnun
John Pagano @pagano4063
Kristin Petrillo @kristinpetrillo (1st Place WINNER)
Simone Scholes @simonescholesart (2nd Place WINNER)
Kathryn Shagas @kathrynshagas
Robert Steffen @rsteffenvisarts
Brenda Stumpf @brenda_stumpf
Susan Swinand @sswinand
Margaret Turner @meg1527
Payal Thiffault @payalthiffault
James C Varnum @jamescvarnum
Bruce Wilson @brucehughw007
Bridie Wolejko @artist.bee.dubs
Nancy Wright @wrightpixphotos

1st Place: Kristin Petrillo
Artist will receive an Artists on Fire Solo Exhibition Package
Virtual exhibition published on our website, complimentary placement in our ART MARKET and a social media push, a $3.5K value.
2nd Place: Simone Scholes
Artist will receive an Artists on Fire Feature Interview Package 1
Published on our website, complimentary placement in our ART MARKET, plus a social media push, a $1.5K value.
3rd Place: Brenda Cirioni
Artist will receive Artists on Fire Feature Interview Package 2
Published on our website with a social media push, a $500 value.
See our latest blog post for all of our winner announcements.

Art Pick Up: Monday, Aug. 12 & Tuesday, Aug. 13 from 10 - 4:00 pm
Show runs: July 18 - August 10, 2024
Thank you to everyone for attending the opening!

Hot Night in the City | July 18, 2024
Celebrating the “hot” processes and traditions of craft creation, the Worcester Center for Crafts’ Hot Night in the City practically combusts each summer with music, food, drinks, the opening of an exhibit, and fun around the flames. All are welcome as we explore the hot processes of craft in and outside of the Center. Food trucks, live music and demos provide fun for all—college kids, families and festival lovers all converge for this wonderful night. Visit artists booths, see the Artists on Fire exhibition and tour the cool workshops—metal, glass, media arts, pottery.
Redemption Rock Brewery will be there!
The dusk darkness dissipates as Craft Center artists demonstrate their profession in our studios. There is a lot of hands-on fun for the fearless and demonstrations for the appreciator. Hot Night in the City is held rain or shine.
The Worcester Center for Crafts (WCC) is the oldest non-profit, educational craft center in the US, founded in 1856.
It has evolved over the past 164 years into New England's leading public center for craft education, exhibition & entrepreneurship. WCC annually serves a broad public audience of 20-30K comprised of professional & emerging artists, art enthusiasts & hobbyists, adults, youth and their families, collectors, patrons & students. In 2009, WCC expanded its vision as a community resource when it affiliated with Worcester State University (WSU) to create a unique public/private partnership that allows the center to remain an independent 501c3 organization by providing studio space for WSU classes. WCC offers adult classes (<1500 students) taught by artists in ceramics, photography, jewelry, enameling, blacksmithing, forging, fiber arts and hot and cold glass at every level of skill as well as college level classes. In addition over 30 WSU visual and performing classes (700 students) are held at WCC. Our youth program emphasizes an interdisciplinary study of craft including science, history, and math. The beautiful and WCC Krikorian Gallery hosts 8-10 high quality exhibits annually that create visibility and selling opportunities for artists and professional crafts.
Our mission: "to inspire and build a creative community through the promotion, appreciation and teaching of craft." We accomplish this by providing high-quality craft education and training for adults and youth, by supporting craft artists in their professional development, and through advocacy and public initiatives that create and nourish a dynamic market and appreciation for craft and teaching all ages and abilities, inspiring growth and reaching new audiences.