We ship WORLDWIDE, so please send us a note at info@juniperrag.com with your country and postal code, along with the number of magazines, so that we may estimate weight. Merci!!
Juniper Rag is an independent magazine operated by a small staff. Proceeds fund the magazine, our website hosting, the Submittable and Constant Contact platform fees as well as support the work of our writers, copy editors and curators, who elevate the artists we work with. Reviewing 100's of artist submissions takes time and coordination, data storage, applications and so many other resources. All this makes Juniper Rag happen—because of your support!
Please further support the artists by connecting and sharing Juniper Rag’s posts about them on social media. The bigger our network is, the bigger their reach is!
Facebook: Juniper Rag
IG: @juniperrag
Twitter: @juniperrag