Worcester Business Journal
Juniper Rag, a Central Mass. arts magazine, looks to connect artists and collectors from near and far by Tim Doyle
Image: Matt Wright for Worcester Business Journal
In the early years of the COVID pandemic, the Central Massachusetts art community saw museums close, gallery shows cancel or be online-only, and the loss of the popular arts space in Worcester’s Sprinkler Factory.
Area artists lost many opportunities to connect with each other and with collectors.
In February 2021, two artists and entrepreneurs, Michelle May and Payal Thiffault, used their talents, experience, and passion for the arts to create a new connection for artists, a for-profit glossy magazine featuring the work and writing of artists from around New England and the world: Juniper Rag.
Read the full story in Worcester Business Journal.
Note: Artists working with Juniper Rag, once they submit to any call for art immediately get connected to a large community that begins with our founders, Michelle May and Payal Thiffault. Artists that participate in social media, get constant support from all of our channels. If you are willing to invest in yourself as an artist and submit your work to us, we reciprocate graciously. Just look at our social media and read our reviews. The ROI of submission fees is well worth it, especially if you like to hustle. We do too.